Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Today, San Francisco...Tomorrow, South America

Our gear is boxed up and ready to go. In less than twelve hours we'll leave for the airport. Our time in San Francisco has been everything we needed, far more than what we wanted. Sometimes it's overwhelming generosity that challenges us and our priorities. It's difficult, at times, to accept that one is in such a place of need...
I'm not going to ramble any more here and now :)

So, what have I done? I've uploaded almost 150 photos for your enjoyment, and tried to tell a bit of our story through the captions. Please enjoy them!


Anonymous said...

ack! I look so grumpy! I liked looking at all your pics (except the sliced up thumb ones) and I appreciated all the shots of Froggy. You guys are crazy and I love you all!

Anonymous said...

Well done gents. I love the blog. There's a buzz in the air around here and betting on whether, or not you guys will die, but just so you know I think you will experience life and life to the full. Be safe watch your backs and your bikes

Unknown said...

This is awesome! A virtual trip via great pics! What a great time in life - you'll be telling your grandkids about this. :) Keep the news coming - your cheering squad awaits the next post!

Unknown said...

did dad give you a bowl cut?

Unknown said...

PSA 133:1 How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! Grace, Grace and more Grace...Keep on trucking and have a Life changing time in South America..and thanks for sharing it ALL with us and lest we not forget: Super Glue can mend a thousand wounds~

Caio for now


carinna said...

1. Did you say hi to Drain, OR for me?
2. You guys are hot. I don't want to date you or anything, but seriously. Strapping young lads, indeed.
3. Why'd you let your dad give you a bowl cut?
4. Tell T-Rev to keep the bear away from all buckets.
5. All of this is Carinna code for "I am proud of all of you and I love all of you and I really really really hope you experience greatness and keep safe."