All this has happened because we followed our stomachs past a sign advertising a spaghetti feed. Well...I suppose a causal link would actually be quite difficult to draw. Ridiculous trust and generosity are probably closer to the core of things, and an astoundingly generous God even closer yet.
We do well. We are wonderfully cared for. While many of you probably wouldn't imagine that two Emergency Room visits for two different members of our team would be on the schedule for a team that's being wonderfully cared for, they have been. I was told it's horribly immature to mention ER visits with no explanation. Be that as it may, rest assured that mothers have been fully informed in both occurrences.
Sometime soon we shall update with photos and explanations galore. Soon being before the New Year.
Please continue to pray for us. We do not want to take this time for granted.
Thank you for reading!
P.S. If you want more significant updates, pray that the Oregon coast is hit with a wave of broadband.
I can't believe there are no comments yet...
Wow! The men are movin' now! I didn't think anyone took my idea seriously about the suction cup gun to hitch rides behind speeding busses!
I also hope that Fernando didn't slice himself up when carving out a chunk of road kill for dinner... we all know about that appetite! (Ask me sometime about my recipe for opossum ;)
NIce to see my uncle in a pic.
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