Saturday, May 17, 2008


Trev and I have been getting high the last few days. Slowly and steadily higher and higher...wouldn´t want to rush such things.
Up at 3,500m (we got to descend about 280m to finish off this days riding) we´re higher than all but a handfull of places in the state of Washington, yet all around is desert with rolling hills and frozen streams (the ones in the shade, anyway).
We do well, and find ourselves about 70km from the southern border of Bolivia. Trev started having some interesting chafing issues, so if anyone can recommend a miracle remedy that we´ll be able to get ahold of here, please do. I´ve suggested butter and chain-lube, but he´s not interested.
Ahh, the journey goes well, but we´ve only got a few weeks left on this continent!
Will and Trev


Jolly said...

I have to admit, I once saw two men - who were rather sore and tired of 'chafing issues' - shove a handful of baby powder down their shorts. I don't remember if it worked, it was just funny walking after them with white dust coming out of their pants.

Unknown said...

butter is not bad in a pinch. Vegetable shortening(crisco) is excellent. Baby powder is good, and corn starch can ease rubbing well, but is not a healing agent.

Ashley Ronnell said...

Am I the only immature one who chuckled about you getting high?

Anonymous said...

22 days!!!!!

Jillian said...

Enjoy Bolivia!! I hear it is beautiful. Peru next? I hope so! I'll have to dust off my memory, and see if I can recommend some places...

Brian said...

You're going to be high, as a kite by then. I think it's going to be a long, long time, till touchdown brings you back again. For you are rocket men.


-Sir Elton