Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Our Time in Tucuman

With over two weeks in Tucuman under our belts, Trevor and I are feeling rather well acquainted with the city. Check out the photos and comments of our time here!
Time in Tucuman



Anonymous said...

Was that Archibald in one of those charming postcards? I loved them, and the newborn kitties! Mao!

JCMartinJr said...

I am convinced that if the world comes close to falling apart, it will be held together NOT by heavy lugs like the UN, APEC or Mercosur, but by the millions of small (bicycle?)chains of personal linkages like those illustrated by the convivial dinners and warm embraces pictured herein. This is why parapetetic Rick Steves recently opined in a Seattle Town Meeting that "travel is a very political act". To pedal a mile (or 10k) on someone else's roadway is a very profound experience. ENJOY!

Scotty T. said...

Oh man I miss that place!!! And the people. I think about those people that we met oh so long ago, and think to myself, "That's how God inteded us to treat eachother." Lucky!!

Tina said...

So waitaminute, where's Fernando anyway?? He's the reason I check this blog out!

I'll still read it though, I love following this adventure. :-)

Tina said...

Oh never mind, I figured out the F sitch. :-)

Jenfer said...

jaja, the F stitch is about to go dance some Tango for the first time in too long ... don´t be jelous Tina ... ok, maybe a little is ok :D