Sunday, March 23, 2008


We have arrived in the largest town along the Careterra Austral. Our friend, Felipe, arrived a couple of days before us and found a nice hostel for us that we´re enjoying thoroughly. Trev´s got a bit of the flu, and the weather seems to be turning cold. And...happy Easter! There aren´t any great festivities here in Coihaique, unfortunately, but I´m glad to remember the holiday (it´s quite easy for me to forget about such things) and wish you all a happy one. I sat by a woodburning stove this morning and was so thankful for my saviour. Seriously, it´s not everyone who offers to save you from death and makes good on it. I have been rescued from such death that to remember it almost boggles my mind.
It´s a beautiful day here, and I´ll put some pictures up soon.
Will and Trev

1 comment:

Thomas said...

Hey you two, I haven't read through all your stuff yet but it looks like you are having a good time. I've been off in Grand Turk for the last 2 months building stuff. I'd love to catch up with you guys when you return. Easter came and went here as well, it was interesting, some churches started their services on Good Friday and didn't stop till after Easter. Third world countries do religion so different.