Tuesday, June 10, 2008

And I'm proud to be in America, where I can flush my toilet-paper...

Of course, we haven't actually left the Americas, but so goes the song...
Seriously, though, we're back and happy. The three of us (we met Fernando at the airport) managed to get to the gate with plenty of time to get on the plane, and yet missed our flight. We had, perhaps, too much time. Rather than get on the plane and wait, we went to goof off and spend the last of our Chilean money. Goofing off was so successful, however, that, while we did return to the gate before the moment of departure, it was less than a minute before, and the airplane door was already closed.
So, we missed that flight. The nice Delta folks were generous and booked us on another airline on a flight that would have us arriving in SF twenty minutes earlier than we would have had we not missed the flight. So, despite our efforts, we got home on time.
And now we're here! Megan (Trev's girlfriend) and Gunnar (his ex-roomate) are here and we're enjoying the city with them and my Dad.
Oh, it's so strange and familiar and different and good to be back. I think it'll all work out...:)
We really are doing well and I am indeed grateful to have adventured as we have. And, it's not quite over yet!
William and Trevor


Jillian said...

Ha! I can SOOO relate to your title. That was seriously the biggest thing I was looking forward to when leaving Peru, being able to flush my toilet paper.

Welcome back guys! Hope you aren't going through too big of a culture shock! Can't wait to hear your stories once you get back to Seattle!

Lori said...

welcome back! It's been fun to read about your travels!

Thomas said...

Hey guys welcome Back! Give me a call, I'd love to catchup.