Saturday, September 29, 2007


Today was to be the day; Fernando was to take the LSAT. Was to be? Yes, for it did not happen. Oh my, you may say to yourself, Fernando must have overslept. Perhaps he was very sick, or even injured. Did a car hit him on the way to take the test? Is he okay?
Short answer, yes with a but. Long answer, well, long answer to follow.
You must understand something before I get in to the explanation. Fernando has a very cool name. Yes, Fernando is a cool name all on its own, but there's more. His full name is Fernando Ulysses Ruiz-Isley, making his initials FURI (pronounced, fury).
There is no substitute for this name in its full length and glory, and it would not be acceptable to have any less on a diploma or other credential, so Fernando registered for school and things school related with his full name. Now, brevity being a great virtue, and I suspect nearly making the Beatitudes (blessed are the brief, for they will be listened to), Fernando figured he could truncate his name for small pieces of identification like a driver's license.
That plan had served him well, up to this point. The woman helping register people for the LSAT this morning, amidst the checking in and fingerprinting, noticed the difference in name between the registration sheet, and Fernando's ID. One said, Fernando Ulysses Ruiz-Isley, and the other, Fernando U. Isley. After calling someone to verify that Fernando U. Isley could not, indeed, take the test for Fernando Ulysses Ruiz-Isley, there was nothing more to do...except, of course, cry.
Tears. Why tears? This is not how we expected things to go. You see, Fernando was planning to turn in his law school applications and be accepted for the fall of 2008. He can not turn in his applications without an LSAT score, and the test is not offered again until December 1. That means that Fernando must be in the US on Dec. 1 to take the LSAT, or wait and apply for fall 2009. That doesn't seem like a great option. Alternatively, we could push back our departure date, but that would completely change the trip, and be difficult for Trevor and myself as we were planning to leave in 11 days for a nine month trip.
Options are currently being discussed, and I'll update when we know more. As for now, we know we want to stick together. Our unity is a wonderful gift from God, and so we shall move forward together.